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Advertising Waste: Understanding and Addressing It

admin @ July 13, 2023 # No Comment Yet

Advertising is a crucial element of any business strategy. By creating awareness and interest among potential customers, advertising helps businesses achieve their goals of improving their bottom line and fostering healthy competition. But it can also be a source of significant waste.  Advertising waste is a significant challenge that businesses of all sizes and industries […]

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admin @ December 4, 2012 # No Comment Yet

Reading is an important part of a child’s growth and development and getting them started so that it is included as a well loved part of their life is a key step. The Starfall website has created an ingenious way for kids of all levels to feel empowered in their own progress. No matter what […]

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Why is the Republican Party Trying to Control Women’s Bodies?

admin @ August 7, 2012 # No Comment Yet

The Republican Party’s unnatural preoccupation with controlling women’s bodies and the resulting backlash sparks hot debates from coast to coast Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder within the Republican party and the subject of private matters pertaining to women’s choices regarding their bodies, it has. The need to control women’s bodies within […]

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Republicans: Keeping Fat Cats Rich and Cutting Teacher’s Pay?

admin @ August 3, 2012 # No Comment Yet

As if teachers, police, and fire fighters weren’t already grossly underpaid considering the invaluable services they provide us, this past February Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) announced his intention to reward Florida teachers for their hard work and years of service by providing them with an annual salary cut of $2,335 a year! Yes, you […]

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How Many U.S. Companies are Outsourcing Jobs?

admin @ July 26, 2012 # No Comment Yet

Outsourcing jobs is a hotly debated issue these days. The elitists think nothing of it and feel it’s only fair that they should be able to turn as big a profit as possible at all costs – even if it’s at the cost of the American economy and America’s jobs. Roughly a year ago a […]

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Why did BP Reject Help by James Cameron?

admin @ July 18, 2012 # No Comment Yet

Much to the horror of the world, we all sat back on April 20, 2010, and watched with growing unease as one of the worst environmental catastrophes in U.S. history unfolded before our eyes in the media as an explosion rocked the BP-licensed Transocean drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico. The explosion […]

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PETA is Bringing Animal Abuse to World Attention

admin @ July 11, 2012 # No Comment Yet

PETA’s animal rights campaigns are far reaching and include such things as ending the use of fur and leather, the consumption of dairy products and meat, hunting and trapping, fishing, factory farming, bull fighting and circuses, just to name a few. Often maligned by their detractors and joked about by late night talk show hosts, […]

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