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Swine flu gaining momentum…again?

Brittany @ July 25, 2009 # No Comment Yet

Is it just because I haven’t had anyone close to me come down with it? Is it because it seems like all the cases I’ve heard of sound so few and far between? Is it because I myself haven’t come down with it? I’m talking about reasons I haven’t been afraid of the swine flu […]

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Swine flu strikes Hollywood

Brittany @ July 5, 2009 # No Comment Yet

And the swine flu is back. This time, however, it’s managed to get hold of the famous redheaded Harry Potter film star, Rupert Grint, who plays Ron Weasley. His publicist released this information just yesterday, three days before the latest installment in the Harry Potter movie collection is set to premiere in London, as reported […]

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