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Swine flu gaining momentum…again?

Brittany @ July 25, 2009 # No Comment Yet

Is it just because I haven’t had anyone close to me come down with it? Is it because it seems like all the cases I’ve heard of sound so few and far between? Is it because I myself haven’t come down with it? I’m talking about reasons I haven’t been afraid of the swine flu […]

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Swine flu strikes Hollywood

Brittany @ July 5, 2009 # No Comment Yet

And the swine flu is back. This time, however, it’s managed to get hold of the famous redheaded Harry Potter film star, Rupert Grint, who plays Ron Weasley. His publicist released this information just yesterday, three days before the latest installment in the Harry Potter movie collection is set to premiere in London, as reported […]

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New on the swine flu

Brittany @ May 24, 2009 # 3 Comments

It’s still one of the biggest news topics right now and I’m sure you’re eager to know what the latest is regarding the swine flu. Well, here goes…. Last week, Friday, we discovered that the swine flu had spread to New York City, where, according to an AP report, lead to the closing of three […]

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Pork story a little overcooked?

Brittany @ May 4, 2009 # No Comment Yet

The new strain of the swine flu virus can finally live up to its name. Pigs on a farm in Alberta, Canada were confirmed on Saturday with the infection. This is the first known case of pigs having the virus. According to Fox News, a farm worker back from Mexico is the apparent cause. Fox […]

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Top 10 Ways to Prevent Swine Flu

Brittany @ May 1, 2009 # One Comment

Only days ago, the swine flu was confirmed as having reached Spain, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel, with the virus suspected in many other nations as well. Symptoms include many of those associated with the common flu, such as nausea, coughing, sore throat and fever, symptoms that could lead, and have led to […]

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Swine Flu Is Not Only about Pigs!

editor @ April 30, 2009 # No Comment Yet

Everyone is talking about recent development of a swine flu these days. People are scared to eat pork and be around cute pink little piglets. In fact this is not just a swine flu at all. Surprised to hear this? Do not be! According to Scientific American, new flu outbreak has elements of PIG, BIRD […]

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