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Government on liver protection warpath

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Back in May, Hydroxycut was nailed with a recall that sent the supplement market scrambling to make sure it didn’t fall under the ever inconsistent eye of the FDA.  The problem then was liver failure. A month later, the FDA launched another report that sent the over-the-counter market scrambling, but in a much different way.

Acetaminophen has long been understood as a double-edged sword in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) category.  It is one of the most effective pain relieving medications by dosage, but also one for the greatest potential for overdose.  Liver problems have been documented throughout Tylenol’s (acetaminophen is the active ingredient) history, but in late June, the FDA recommended to lay down greater restrictions on acceptable intake.  Using the guise of public safety, the FDA is not only limiting Tylenol, but looking to pull some of the most popular prescription narcotics from production, such as Dr. Gregory House’s candy (Vicodin).  

As with ephedra years ago, Hydroxycut in the spring, and now acetaminophen products, one has to wonder why now?  

Ephedra in its various forms has been used for a long time, and it is still widely used around the world and seen as a safe energizer.  Hydroxycut had been on the market with its formula for years without incident, until recently, as our society has become more impatient with diet and exercise and wanting the easy way out (gastric bypass surgery becoming extremely popular) to another “public safety” banner slapped on a narc op to try and stop production of prescription drugs that have the greatest chance of winding up being sold on the street.  Most people buying off the street won’t care about the potential liver damage, but at the same time, those who have legitimate uses for the drug will be left with fewer options.

It boils down to a simple choice: “Protecting consumers,” or improving quality of life.  Chronic pain sufferers will almost always choose quality of life over “possible” health consequences.

Rob @ July 8, 2009

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